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Staff Access

Our Process

Spectrum welcomes the opportunity to work with individuals and families who wish to develop a personalized support arrangement.  As each situation is unique, so, too, is our process for getting to know each other and figuring out how we will work together.

Service Start-Up

The first step in starting up a new service is to meet with the individual and his or her network (family, friends, significant others) to gain an understanding of the person’s vision of a good life, discuss the scope of services needed, and who will be responsible for what.  This information gets written up in an individualized Service Plan.

Once the scope of service, intended outcomes and expectations are clearly defined, we will confirm funding and sign a contract for service, and make a plan for whatever logistics need to be addressed – finding a home, hiring staff, etc.

A great deal of time and care goes into the Service Plan and start-up process, to ensure that the best possible plan and all the necessary resources are in place and to set things up for success.  We encourage the person and/or family to be involved in every step of this process, to whatever extent they wish to be involved.


Spectrum supports each person in his or her growth and development, which may include transitions such as moving from one type of housing arrangement to another, changing jobs, etc.  We encourage people to have homes of their own that reflect the normative living arrangements of others in community, and jobs or other activities that are typical of what others of a similar age would pursue.  Individuals wishing to move into a different type of housing or support arrangement should speak to the Coordinator or Associate Director.  Some of the factors that go into a successful transition include a desire for positive change, and a willingness to work in partnership with Spectrum, the funder and any other service providers involved to develop and implement a thoughtful transition plan.

Leaving Spectrum’s Services

While some individuals desire support over the long-term, others may wish to move out of Spectrum’s services into a more independent arrangement, or seek a different type of support.  We support the right of each person to make changes to their services, including choosing a different service provider if they feel another agency can better meet their needs.  If requested, we will help people to explore other services, and we will work to ensure a smooth transition to the new service provider.  An exit summary will be completed when a person leaves Spectrum’s services, to document the results of the services provided, the person’s feedback, and any recommendations for future services.