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Community Event


BC Association of Community Response Networks


Week of the Older Person Registration Schedule

Planning Your Calendar Events

As you may know, October 1 is designated the International Day of Older Persons across the world. (On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly designated October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.) The theme of the 2020 commemoration is “Pandemics: Do They Change How We Address Age and Ageing?”.

The BC Association of Community Response Network regions of Fraser Valley West, Surrey, and Vancouver are hosting a Zoom event called the Week of the Older Person from September 28 to October 2.

There will be a Zoom webinar each day of that week starting at 10:00 am and ending between 11:30 to 12:00 (depending on questions & dialogue of the presenter). There is NO COST for these workshops. Registration is NOW open for EACH day.

Monday, September 28th: Falls & Injury Prevention Fraser Health Authority Falls & Injury Prevention Specialists, Shianne Bains, Coordinator of Falls & Injury Prevention and Ronda Field, Physiotherapist, will present an interactive session that will have you on your feet moving while they share their information and resources on falls prevention, vision, medications & vitamins, home safety and exercise. Don’t miss this exciting online, fun event.

Register Here:

Tuesday, September 29th: Why Preventative Health Matters Dr. Dion Neame, Country Medical Head, Sanofi Pasteur Canada will dive into the balance between proactive and reactive medicine and discuss topics such as vaccines, exercise, nutrition and mindfulness, all of which are behaviors that can improve and accelerate your health. Dion has a passion for primary prevention of disease and regularly presents across Canada motivating Canadians to improve their health. Don’t miss this exciting online event to promote your health and wellness.

Register Here:

Wednesday, September 30th: Protecting Yourself in the Community with COVID and the Importance of Vaccines to Stay Healthy Jessica Harper, RN is an Immunization Promotion Nurse with ImmunizeBC and TB Nurse Educator with the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC), and an experienced educator on the topics of communicable diseases, immunization and vaccine hesitancy, will share her expertise on public health. Until a COVID vaccine is available, the more vulnerable seniors with pre-existing conditions must be protected from the virus. But how? What can we do to protect ourselves? And what publicly and non-publicly funded vaccines are available to protect us from Shingles, Pneumonia, Influenza, and Tetanus? Don’t miss this exciting online event to promote your health and wellness.

Register Here:

Thursday, October 1st: (International Day of the Older Person) Elder Abuse Awareness with an It’s Not Right with Decision Tree presentation The Okanagan Regional Mentor of the BCCRN, Micki Materi, will be presenting this interactive workshop where participants will learn to recognize the warning signs and risk factors of senior abuse, will recognize the impact and types of abusive behaviour, will learn how to be supportive and respectful in conversations with the abused senior, and will learn which agencies are available to find support. The Decision Tree will be introduced to help you decide where to go for help depending on the situation. Don’t miss this exciting online, fun event.

Register Here:

Friday, October 2nd: Sleep to Better Health There is an ever-growing list of the benefits of sleep, which include performance enhancement, faster recovery, and improved memory and cognition. In this presentation we will start with the WHY, including some marquee studies in the past decade supporting these profound benefits that come with a full night’s rest. After that, we will delve deeper into the HOW, specifically FIVE tips that can be used tonight to increase your quality of sleep and ultimately your health & well-being. Don’t miss this exciting online, fun event.

Register Here:

Your Host for this week of Zoom webinars:

BC Association of Community Response Networks