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Staff Access

Employee News January 2014

Please ensure the following items are completed so that Accounting and Human Resources have your updated information.

2014 Personal Tax Credit Forms

If your claim amount has changed, please ensure you complete both provincial and federal TD1 forms. You will know if you need to do this by reading through the 12 areas listed on each form. For example, if you are no longer a student or recently had a child, you will need to complete the forms for 2014.

Completing the forms allows tax deductions to be reduced if you are eligible for tax credits other than the basic personal exemption.

Printable Canada TD1 form:

Printable BC TD1 form:

Please submit your completed TD1 forms to Accounting!

Employee Records Change

If you have moved, changed your phone number, or would like to change your banking information, please submit a completed Employee Records Change Form to Human Resources. The form can be found on Spectrum’s website:

2014 Time Off Request Forms

It’s that time again, when everyone is starting to think about vacation for the year! Where are you going this year!?

2014 Time Off Requests can now be completed online! The only challenge is you need to have access to the new Sharevision, but we hope to have everyone connected with usernames and passwords by the end of the month (January 31, 2014).

Check out the Policies & Procedures for detailed info on requesting your dates:

$150 Training Allowance! 

Did you know that after one year, permanent employees are eligible to receive up to $150 per year of training allowance?! This $150 can be put towards various programs and classes so long as they promote personal growth and well-being! Before registering, please ensure that your request is approved by your Program Manager and forwarded to Human Resources to approve reimbursement.

Health and Safety Nominations

The Health and Safety Committee is accepting nominations for those who would like to join the committee. If you or someone you know would like to be nominated, please notify Naomi or Rachel in Human Resources at

Below are some responsibilities of an H&S Committee member:

–       Meet once per month

–       Improve safety within the organization

–       Educate about safety within the organization

–       Review safety issues

–       Provide feedback on safety issues

–       Represent employees within safety related issues

–       Review of incidents (WorkSafe claims)

–       Review Unsafe Working Conditions reports

–       Provide awareness to people regarding safety issues

Health and Safety members will review any WorkSafe claims within Spectrum; if you happen to have a WorkSafe claim please be aware one of our members will be following up on the incident. One of the main goals of the H&S Committee is to ensure that the same WorkSafe claim does not happen to someone else. We review the incident, come up with recommendations and then follow up with the Program Managers as a way of decreasing the chance that the same incident will happen again.

Every H&S member will receive training throughout their time on the committee as part of guidelines for an Occupational Health and Safety team.  Some of the training provided in the past has been on topics such as:

–       Preventing Musculoskeletal Injury

–       Infection Control in the Community

–       Violence in High Risk Communities

–       Accident Investigation

–       Claims Injury Management

–       Injury Prevention

–       Risk Assessment

–       Young/New Worker Orientation

Have a Health and Safety Issue You Would Like to Report?

Voice your questions, concerns or issues regarding Health & Safety procedures or unsafe working conditions to Spectrum’s Health and Safety Committee by emailing us at:

How do I find out more about Spectrum’s Health and Safety Committee?

Visit Spectrum’s Health and Safety Committee webpage at:

Other Recent Posts: (Check Paystub Inserts on the website)

▪   3% Pay Increase starts January 9, 2014

▪   Municipal Pension Plan Updates

▪   Join the Spectrum Runners and Rollers in the Sun Run


PDF Version of this Newsletter can be printed and posted in communication binders.