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Provincial Budget Updates 2024-2025

Provincial Budget Updates 2024-2025

[ID: logo of Inclusion BC]
Spectrum is a member of Inclusion BC and supports their provincial advocacy on behalf of individuals and families with developmental disabilities.

Our interpretation of the Throne Speech on February 20th and Budget 2024: Taking Action For You is that the government’s aim is to bolster support for the working middle class while maintaining the supports for everyone else in the province. Children and Youth with Support Needs, Person with Disabilities Benefits, and Community Living BC all received a population growth increase to maintain current levels of support with a hint of improvement in Education and Health.

Below you’ll find our recommendations, followed by the related dollar amounts allotted in this year’s budget. There are a few opportunities to explore, but still significant work to do in important areas for people with disabilities.

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DABC Logo - Disability Alliance BC - we are all connected

BC Budget 2024: A Lean Budget With Few New Disability Supports

The BC Budget for the 2024/2025 fiscal year was announced at the legislative assembly in Victoria on February 22, 2024. Helaine Boyd, Disability Alliance BC (DABC)’s Executive Director, was invited to attend the announcement and review the budget materials.

In June 2023, DABC submitted our recommendations for the 2024 Budget, and in August 2023, the Select Standing Committee on Finance released their Report on Budget 2024 Consultation. Our Statement in response to this report can be found here.

Our top recommendations for the 2024 BC Budget were:

1. Increase the Disability Assistance Rate (known as PWD) and Index for Inflation

2. Invest in a comprehensive program for assistive devices and medical equipment for people with disabilities

3. Support accessibility retrofits for existing social housing and establish a fund for rental subsidies for low income people requiring accessible housing

Unfortunately, none of these recommendations were brought forward into concrete commitments within Budget 2024. Overall, there is little to celebrate around supports for the disability community in this budget, as no dedicated, new investments were made for disabled British Columbians. In our view, this budget focused on maintaining previously announced commitments and some increases in funding to match demand for services arising from population growth.

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