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Staff Access

Learning Opportunities – April 12, 2019

Conference registration is now open!

Early bird registration is on! Get the biggest savings by registering before April 26, 2019. Visit our conference website at WWW.INCLUSIONBC.ORG/INCLUSION2019

2019 marks our 43rd annual learning event, which will be held in beautiful Victoria, BC from May 23rd – May 25th at the Victoria Conference Centre. Inclusion 2019 is a unique opportunity to get connected to the latest information and resources on inclusion and diversity.

Inclusion BC is proud to co-host with Community Living Victoria, one of our longest-standing members and Victoria’s largest non-profit community living services provider on Vancouver Island.

Highlights of Inclusion 2019

  • 50 workshops on topics ranging from inclusive education to employment to health care and the arts
  • Learning opportunities for community support professionals, self advocates, family members, executives, students and inclusion allies
  • Six live arts performances
  • Three keynote speakers and one participatory theatre production
  • 10+ networking opportunities
  • Inclusive Education Award Presentations
  • One unforgettable dinner + dance
  • And more!

Link to Registration:


David Pitonyak

Beyond “Behaviors” – Supporting Competence, Confidence, and Well-Being 

Monday, 10 June 2019 from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PDT)

Heritage Hall

3102 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3G7

Difficult behaviors result from unmet needs.  This workshop examines seven quality of life indicators that are often missing in the life of a person who experiences our services.  Based on the idea from Jean Clarke that a person’s needs are best met by people whose needs are met, this day-long workshop examines strategies for supporting not only an individual who experiences disabilities but also the needs of his or her caregivers.


At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will have developed knowledge in the following areas:

  • Determining what people may be communicating through their difficult behaviors;
  • The role of  physiological or psychiatric needs in the development of difficult behaviors
  • The importance of asking critical quality of life questions in building a support plan;
  • The critical importance of addressing caregiver needs in the development of a support plan;
  • Ways to support an individual in crisis.

We will supply breakfast pastries, drinks and snacks; lunch is on your own at one of the many local restaurants in this area.

Event is limited to 75 participants.

Link to Registration:


David Pitonyak

Particularly (but not only) for Shared Living Folks:  

The Importance of Belonging

Tuesday, 11 June 2019 from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PDT)

Heritage Hall 

3102 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3G7

Being connected to the people we love is critical to our emotional and physical well-being.  Many people experiencing our services are sick from loneliness.  This workshop is about ideas for moving beyond interventions and coverage to a system that supports enduring, freely chosen relationships.

In our recent Home Share research we talked to lots of people who share their lives and value what they are doing, and wanted opportunities to learn together.  This workshop is a response that hopes to honor those requests.

Breakfast, drinks and snacks are included – lunch on your own at one of the amazing local restaurants in the area!

Event is limited to 70ish participants.

More information about David:

Link to Registration:


Open Future Learning

Open Future Learning Collaborating with some of the most revolutionary thinkers and leaders in our field, Open Future Learning has created over 500 short films. These powerful and often emotive films are embedded into the contents of each module. The films capture the invaluable experience of these people and inspire the user by bringing the learning to life. 

Learning is made easy with a range of multimedia tools that engage the user. This includes interactive graphics that explain abstract concepts, professionally produced films, top animation, quality written content, and audio that is synced to all written content.

Log in to Sharevision to find out more about how to register for this free training.