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Staff Access

Learning Opportunities – April 20, 2018

Plan Institute

Link to Endowment 150 grant and RDSP Information:  Plan Institute
Endowment 150 Application: Endowment 150 Application

Wills, Trusts & Estates – Workshop

2018:  May 3, June 7

Learn how to arrange your estate, prepare a Will, and set up a trust for your loved one with a disability.

Social Role Valorization: A 3-day Workshop with Darcy Elks

by STEPS Forward Inclusive Post-secondary Education Society


Wed, 2 May 2018, 8:30 AM –

Fri, 4 May 2018, 4:30 PM PDT


To be determined

Vancouver  BC



This three-day training event will provide participants with an introduction to SRV theory, with a focus on three key modules:

  1. The common life experiences of people who are marginalized and devalued in our society;
  2. SRV as a way to address some of these experiences in order to support people to become valued members of the community; and
  3. The 10 core themes of SRV.

The workshop includes discussion of some of the critical issues concerning the provision of quality service including public attitudes and community acceptance, physical and social integration and self-determination.

Dates & Times:

May 2nd: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm (Registration from 8am – 8:30am)

May 3rd: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm

May 4th: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Coffee break and lunch will be provided

**Location will be confirmed by the end of March**



Registration is now open!

The 35th annual Disability Resource Network of B.C. for Post-secondary Education Conference (DRNBC) brings together disability resource professionals and students representing colleges, universities, polytechnics and partner organizations from across B.C. and beyond. This conference provides an opportunity to hear presentations from innovative thought leaders, exchange ideas and help contribute to community building and advancing partnerships within the field. The two-day annual conference is designed to offer opportunities for networking with community members, educators, and employers servicing students with disabilities, as well as students themselves.

Click here to learn more about this year’s program and speakers

Click here to register to attend

This year’s theme Access by Design: Building Together for a Better Tomorrow focuses on the importance of collaboration in deliberately designing access for all students to post-secondary education. As the African proverb goes,” If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Through thoughtful partnerships between universities and colleges’ programs, services and faculty, community organizations and agencies, businesses, government, and individuals, together we can use proactive collaboration and building relationships as a framework for promoting access and inclusion. We hope this year’s conference will inspire workshops on innovative practices, tools and strategies that facilitate conversations among providers and users alike, about how we can bring about effective partnerships to build a better tomorrow.

Member Non-Member Students & Retirees
Early Bird Price* $295 $350 $200
Regular Price $320 $375 $200
Single Day Price $190 $225 $120

*early bird pricing ends on April 19th, 2018


On-line Gentle Teaching Training

This training is for all people who are directly involved in daily support of persons, like parents, caregivers, teachers, etc.

In this on-line gentle teaching training we will cover all elements of the normal basic training.

  • What is the essence of gentle teaching
  • Look at the person from the perspective of gentle teaching
  • Personal development of the caregiver to become a gentle teacher
  • Developing a culture of life
  • Improving quality of life
  • The methodology of gentle teaching
  • Making a gentle teaching support plan

After having completed this training you will be able to apply gentle teaching in daily interactions with the people you serve, and you will be able to creaate special gentle teaching sessions with persons for who it is more challenging to feel safe and loved. You will also be able to resognize your own emotions and you let go or transform disturbing emotions. 

The training will be interactive, so you need a good internet connection. The maximum number of participants is 6 per training.
There will be eight 2-hour sessions. Participants will get a training manual to read as preparation for each session.

The regular costs of participation will be $250 for participants living in rich countries. Participants from developing countries can pay what they can afford.

Dates: 2018:  April 18 and 25  May 16 and 23.

Time : 12 – 2 PM  CDT

click here for registration

For information please contact


May 24-26, 2018

Rise Up Conference

BCs premier learning event on intellectual disability, inclusion and human rights.

2018 Portland Gathering – July 22-25, 2018

Co-Hosted by The Learning Community for Person Centred Practices

The Portland Gathering has long held a unique place in the heart of our learning community. The length of the event allows participants to go beyond updates, presentations and networking and take a deeper dive into how person centered practices are being implemented, and engage in the co-creation of new ideas, initiatives, materials and plans for the future of our work together.

More info and registration at: