Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting your personal information.
What is personal information?
Personal information is information that refers to an individual specifically and is recorded in any form. Personal information includes such things as age, income, date of birth, ethnicity, family contacts and medical records. It does not include information contained in public telephone directories, business directories, public registries, court records, or other publicly available printed and electronic publications.
(a) We are accountable to you.
Spectrum is responsible for all personal information under its control.
(b) We let you know why we collect your personal information.
Spectrum will identify the purpose for which your personal information is collected. Normally this will be done at the time the information is actually being collected.
Types of personal information collected by Spectrum include, but are not limited to:
- Application and Employment Information
Spectrum maintains personnel files on all its employees, sub-contractors and volunteers. Examples of some of the information your file might contain include the following:
- resume and/or application
- letters of offer and acceptance of employment, including conditions of employment, caregiver or volunteer contract
- payroll information, including social insurance number, banking information, RRSP information, etc.
- wage and benefit information
- forms relating to the application and processing of employee and dependant benefits
- emergency contact information
This information is required to ensure you are properly identified as an employee, volunteer or sub-contractor of Spectrum, that you are on the payroll and/or that you are able to receive certain employment benefits.Emergency contact information is required in case we need to notify someone of your involvement in an emergency situation while at work.
- Performance information
Personnel will be periodically evaluated, and changes to their employment status may occur, such as promotion or transfer. Performance information is collected and maintained so that Spectrum can properly evaluate your performance, determine appropriate levels of compensation, and make decisions about your future as an employee, volunteer or sub-contractor.
Examples of performance information that may be added to your file during the course of your employment include:
- copies of performance appraisals
- record of staff training, professional development and mandatory policy sign-off sheets
- internal communications regarding performance
- record of absences from work, including supporting documents such as doctor’s notes
- Photographs and videotape
Photographs and video recordings will be taken of individuals and personnel in the course of their dailyactivities and during special events, for use in newsletters, manuals, uploading to Spectrum’s online photo albums, and for other communications related purposes of the agency. We take care to ensure that pictures are tasteful and convey a positive image of individuals and their staff. If you do not wish to have your picture taken and used for these purposes, please contact the Privacy Officer.
(c) We obtain your consent to collect, use or disclose your personal information.
Spectrum will obtain your consent to collect and use your personal information. We will not disclose your personal information to any outside party without your consent, unless we are required by law to do so. Note that personalhealth information may be collected and disclosed without consent if required to comply with provincial workers’ compensation legislation.
(d) We limit collection of your personal information.
For applicants, employees, volunteers and sub-contractors, Spectrum collects only the personal information required to ensure an effective employment or sub-contracting relationship. For donors, Spectrum collects only the personal information required to process donations and to maintain communication with donors.
(e) We limit the use, disclosure and retention of your personal information.
Spectrum uses or discloses your personal information only for the purpose for which it was collected, unless you consent to a new use, or the use or disclosure is authorized by privacy legislation (eg. verification of information to be providedto banks or other financial institutions, landlords, garnishee of wages, court orders, etc.).
Employee personal health information is shared between Human Resources and third-party providers for the purposesof processing claims or facilitating an employee’s return to work. Program Managers who receive personal health information from an employee directly are required to forward such information to Human Resources, for the purposes noted above.
Spectrum retains employee personal information only as long as it is required to ensure an effective employmentrelationship or as required by federal and provincial laws (eg. payroll and compensation data must be maintained for up to 7 years after the last date of employment; information pertaining to complaints and investigations will also be retained for 7 years).
(f) We keep your personal information up to date and accurate.
Spectrum is committed to maintaining the accuracy of your personal information. We will correct or amend any personal information found to be inaccurate or incomplete.
Personnel are responsible for advising HR of any changes to their personal information, eg. change of address, phonenumber, marital status or other change that may affect benefit status.
(g) Security of personal information.
We have security processes and procedures in place to keep your personal information safe, including:
- physical safety measures such as restricted access and locked filing cabinets;
- electronic security measures for computerized personal information such as password protection;
- organizational processes such as limiting access to your personal information to a selected group of individuals on a “need to know” basis.
Personnel files are securely maintained in the Human Resources department. Program Managers may keep copies of current employee information in secure files for working reference.
(h) We are open about our privacy and security policy.
Information about our policies and practices relating to personal privacy will be made available to you. This policy is available at all times on our website,, or on request.
(i) We provide access to your personal information stored by Spectrum.
You can request access to your personal information stored by Spectrum. Requests should be made in writing anddirected to Spectrum’s Privacy Officer (see below). Upon receiving such a request, Spectrum will:
- inform you about what type of personal information we have on record or in our control, how it is used and to whom it may have been disclosed;
- provide you with access to your information so you can review and verify the accuracy and completeness andrequest changes to the information, or provide you with reasons for not providing access (eg. the information contains references to other individuals or is subject to solicitor-client privilege);
- make any necessary updates to your personal information;
- note any disagreements in your personnel file and advise third parties where
(j) We respond to your questions, concerns and complaints about privacy.
In order to ensure compliance, Spectrum has appointed a Privacy Officer to oversee all aspects of its privacy policy and practices. Spectrum will respond in a timely manner to your questions, concerns or requests about the privacy of your personal information and our privacy policies.
How to contact us:
Privacy Officer,
Spectrum Society for Community Living
3231 Kingsway, Vancouver B.C. V5R 5K3
Phone: (604) 323-1433
Fax: (604) 321-4144