Service Quality and Person Centred Supports
May 31, 2024
Inclusion BC Presentation:
4G: Service Quality and Person-Centred Supports: Staying Focused on What Matters Most
1:00 PM-2:00 PM, Friday, May 31, 2024
Nanaimo River Room A
The scope and influence of “quality assurance” has expanded steadily in response to increased regulatory and contractual requirements that service providers are expected to meet. If we’re not careful, the activities we pursue in the name of quality assurance can have the opposite effect by rewarding standardization and compliance over flexibility and creativity. Balancing the system’s need for accountability with the needs and desires of each person for a self directed life requires a thoughtful approach that honours the natural authority of the person and their family, friends and allies. In this workshop, we will share our organization’s efforts to minimize the intrusion of bureaucracy on people’s lives, guided first and foremost by what matters most to the people we serve.
Here is our presentation:
Here are some of the resources we talked about in our presentation:
- The Community Support Worker of the 1980’s, As She Was Imagined: A Genealogy
Pamela Cambiazo - A Little Book About Person Centred Planning
John O’Brien and Connie Lyle O’Brien - Five Valued Experiences and Five Accomplishments
John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien - Assistance with Integrity: The Search for Accountability and The Lives of People with Developmental Disabilities
John O’Brien & Connie Lyle O’Brien - Pathways to Inclusion
John Lord - An Initial Framework for Quality Assurance: It’s About People and Relationships
John Lord - Letting in the Light: Reflections on Leadership, Ethics and Human Services
Michael Kendrick - 30 Elements of Service Quality
Michael Kendrick - The Natural Authority of Families
Michael Kendrick - The Leadership Challenge of Service Quality
Michael Kendrick - Creating What I Know About Community
Judith Snow - The Importance of Belonging
David Pitonyak