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Team News

Spectrum Society will be closed Friday, March 29th & Monday, April 1st


Easter Event at Trout Lake Community Centre

[ID: graphic design of 6 gold decorated eggs laying on a white wooden floor.]

A day of fun for the family on your Stat Holiday. We’ve got the bouncy castle, arts & crafts, & gym toys. FREE! Please pre-register

WHERE: Trout Lake Community Centre – Gymnasium (3360 Victoria Dr, Vancouver, BC)

WHEN: Monday, April 1st | 10:00AM – 12:00PM

COST: FREE, but please register. 

All Genders Group at Collingwood Neighbourhood House

[ID: The All Genders group posing at a 2SLGBTQIA+ sign at a Burnaby Pride event in July 2022.]

Taking a spin on the idea of a traditional “Girls Group” and/or “Boys Group”, All Genders is a weekly group for gender-diverse youth and their allies to come and learn about various topics in a safe and inclusive space.
Every Tuesday, participants meet up and engage in activities and discussions on a wide range of topics, via a 2SLGBTQIA+ lens. Throughout the year, the group will also work on 2SLGBTQIA+ projects in and around the CNH neighbourhood.

For more information, contact Sanjeev at

Electronics Meet-up at MakerLabs

[ID: an up close photograph of a motherboard.]

This electronics meetup is an opportunity to hangout with other passionate makers, share ideas, and work on projects collaboratively.

If you’re just getting started in hobby electronics you can drop by and ask for assistance. If you’ve been working on something cool and want to share it, you can do a 5 minute show and tell. Maybe you’re looking for collaborators on a project, or if you’ve recently learned a new skill, come share it with others.

This will be an unstructured event with no formal curriculum or teaching. Bring your own projects to work on, borrow components to test new ideas, use provided soldering irons to assemble your project, or simply hangout and chat.

Interdisciplinary participation is strongly encouraged, absolutely no experience required.

Topics: electronics, technology, robotics, Arduino, CAD modeling, 3D printing.

Please note, this event is open to members and non-members of MakerLabs.

Although this is a free event, tickets are required to attend.

WHERE: MakerLabs (4065 Victoria Drive Vancouver, BC)

WHEN: Thursday, April 4th | 6:00PM – 7:30PM

COST: FREE. But please register.

Click here for more information and to register!

International Beaver Day: Still Moon Work Party at Beaver Pondering Lodging

[ID: 2 photographs, one with people surrounding a large weaved beaver, the second shows a real life brown beaver by its dam. Underneath is black text that reads: International Beaver Day Stewardship & Eco-Arts Work Party | FREE | Sat, April 6 | 11:00 am - 1:30 pm At Beaver Pondering Lodging, near Rupert Skytrain Station]

Celebrate International Beaver Day with a stewardship and eco-art work party at Beaver Pondering Lodging.

What to Expect:

We will remove garbage from the streambanks, work on weaving the living willow at Dodge Lodge, and learn about beavers, art, and the site’s history and ecology throughout the process.

The site is one of Still Creek’s most visible and most heavily impacted stretches. Through our work, we will support ecosystem health and contribute to creating public art that speaks to the housing and habitat crisis felt across species.

Facilitated by BPL artists: Willoughby Arévalo, Carmen Rosen and Joe Boyd.

What Still Moon Provides:

  • Garbage bags, trash pickers, gloves and pruners.
  • Hospitality: Tea and granola bars will be provided.

What to Bring/Wear:

  • Bring water and snacks, and a cup for tea.
  • Feel free to bring your lunch if desired.
  • While pruners and work gloves will be provided, you may want to bring yours if you have them.
  • Wear boots (rubber if you want to go in creek) and sturdy clothes that will protect you from blackberry thorns.

Summary of Logistics:

  • Date: Saturday, April 06, 2024
  • Time: From 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
  • Location: Beaver Pondering Lodging | Map

You can learn more about Beaver Pondering Lodging here.

Location Accessibility:

  • The site includes some challenging terrain, as well as some that is more or less level
  • Weaving may or may not involve ladders and pruning shears.
  • The Beaver Pondering Lodging location is an unpaved grass garden located by the parking lot of the Real Canadian Superstore as you’re heading towards the Rupert Skytrain Station, and is wheelchair accessible from Rupert Skytrain and Superstore parking lot.
  • There is free parking in the Superstore’s parking lot.
  • Washrooms are not available on-site, but can be found at the Real Canadian Superstore, located less than 5 minutes away (~200 meters).
  • The site has no benches or seating available. For some events, Still Moon may have limited seating available for attendees.

About Beaver Pondering Lodging Living Willow Sculpture

This live willow sculpture, featuring ‘Beaver‘ and the ‘Dodge Lodge‘ is a testament to 2 years of hard work, dedication, and community engagement. After countless hours of pounding willow stakes in the ground, hundreds of somerset rose willow knots, and unforgettable conversations with passers-by, the project is about to be completed!

About Still Moon Arts Society

Still Moon Arts Society mobilizes community and creates positive change through eco-arts and environmental stewardship programming, and produces the annual Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival. Still Moon is a registered charity whose mission is to inspire vibrant and connected communities by creating artistic experiences and nurturing a passion for nature.

WHEN: Saturday, April 6th | 11:00AM – 1:30PM

WHERE: Beaver Pondering Lodging (3185 Grandview Highway Vancouver, BC)

COST:  FREE, but please register!

Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival 2024

[ID: a photograph of a Vancouver street with blooming cherry blossoms on each side.]

Experience the vibrant Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival from an authentic Japan Fair to communal dance, music, and delicious food. Enjoy haiku, pop-ups, picnicking, guided walks & biking, workshops, and more.

Visit for the full event schedule.

Click here to view the full map of cherry blossom locations.

WHERE: Vancouver, BC

WHEN: Friday, March 29th – Thursday, April 25th

COST: There are both free and ticketed events!

Community Lunch Program at Renfrew Park Community Centre

[ID: a photo of the Renfrew Park Community Centre.]

Meals include a hot entrée, salad or side dish, dessert, coffee or tea. We try our best to use locally grown seasonal vegetables and fruit from community gardens! Lunches will be served on a first come first served basis.
Lunch can be bought in person with cash/credit card or online with a credit card, limit of 4 per person. Limited number of lunches available.
Adults/Seniors $7.62+tax, Children/Youth $6.19+tax
*This week’s menu has not been released by the chef*

Fees for this program are non-refundable.

WHERE: Renfrew Park Community Centre (2929 E 22nd Ave, Vancouver, BC) – Kitchen (Room 110)

WHEN: Friday, April 5th | 12:00PM-1:00PM

CNH’s Community Lunch Menu For April (PAUSED)

[ID: a logo on a dark purple background with white text that reads: 'Collingwood Neighbourhood House'.]

For updates, please send an email to

What is happening in Vancouver in April?

Free First Friday Nights at the Vancouver Art Gallery

Click on the link below to see what’s happening:

SAVE THE DATE For Spectrum’s Annual Summer Picnic!

[ID: an illustration with green text that reads: Picnic in the Park. There is a checkered red and white blanket on the green grass with a picnic basket and various food items placed around it.]

WHEN: Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

TIME: 2:00PM – 6:00PM


More details to follow closer to the date!


The CNH Tax Clinic

[ID: closeup of a CRA tax form.]

The CNH Tax Clinic will be running from February 24 until April 30 for folks wanting help with their tax returns!

The Clinic will be open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-3pm at the Annex (drop off and in-person) and on Saturdays from 10-3pm at the Main House (5288 Joyce Street; in-person).

Make an appointment today by calling 604-428-9142 or visiting the following links:

2024 TD1 and TD1BC Forms

[ID: a stock image of a tax return form with a black pen placed on top.]

If there are any changes to your income circumstances, please ensure to fill out the following forms for 2023 and provide them to Accounting once complete.



Inclusion BC Provincial Budget Alert 2024-2025

Spectrum is a member of Inclusion BC and supports their provincial advocacy on behalf of individuals and families with developmental disabilities.

This is their report on the provincial budget announced yesterday for 2024-2025. 

[ID: logo of Inclusion BC]

[ID: a logo on a white background with text that reads: 'Plan Institute for caring citizenship']

Plan Institute Webinars

The Plan Institute has FREE upcoming regular webinars on the topics of the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and Wills, Trusts and Estates Planning.


The Registered Disability Savings Plan is a Canada-wide registered matched savings plan for those with disabilities to better financially plan for their futures. The Level 1 webinar is meant for those who want to learn about what the RDSP is, who qualifies, and how to apply. The Level 2 webinar is for those who already have a RDSP, or have already taken Level 1.

Next Level 1 Webinar: Tuesday April 16th, 10 – 11:15am

Next Level 2 Webinar: Tuesday April 23rd, 10 – 11:45am

Click here to register and for more information

Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning (BC Only)

This webinar is meant for those who want to become better informed on the process of wills, trusts and estate planning to better secure the future of your relative or loved one with a disability. There is a limit of 60 participants so early registration is encouraged!

Next Webinar: Thursday April 18th, 10 – 11:15am

Click here to register and for more information


ICord – Sleep Routines and Sleep Disturbances After SCI Survey

Researcher(s): Dr. Victoria Claydon

ICORD researcher Dr. Claydon and her research team at SFU, and community partner Spinal Cord Injury BC are interested in learning more about the sleep routines, disturbances, and barriers to sleep supports experienced by individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI), as well as the impacts of these sleep problems on daily life.

This survey study aims to characterize the milieu of routine and physiological sleep disturbances after SCI. The survey asks about sleep quality, sleep routines (i.e., turning), and sleep problems (i.e., sleep apnea, neuropathic pain, autonomic dysreflexia) as they present in the nighttime. We will also ask how your sleep

Why should you participate in this study?

Poor sleep quality is widely documented among individuals with SCI, with consequences of excessive daytime sleepiness, high levels of fatigue, and reduced participation. Unsurprisingly, 59-80% of survey respondents with SCI indicate having a sleep problem that interferes with sleep onset or sleep continuity. While the correlations between sleep problems and secondary conditions (chronic pain, bladder and bowel dysfunction, respiratory impairment) experienced in the daytime are strong, we do not know enough about how these problems present in the nighttime or how to best manage them.

As such, the principal focus of the survey is to characterize the frequency, severity, and management of 10 distinct sleep disturbances identified through literature review and community partner priorities: turning routines, sleep apnea, bowel care, bladder care, AD, thermal discomfort, neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, spasticity, and anxiety. Given the potential for reciprocal impacts between sleep disturbances and additive effects on sleep outcomes, it is necessary to study these sleep challenges post-SCI. With the support of patient and community partners, we hope that the results of this study will shed light on the under-recognized challenges of sleep post-SCI to provide context for meaningful change and inform clinical priorities.

You may be eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Have an SCI (inclusive of all injury levels, severity, duration, and cause)
  • Are living in Canada
  • Are at least 19 years old
  • Are able to communicate and understand instructions in English

Compensation for participation

As a thank you for your time, participants will receive $15 via e-transfer. At the conclusion of the survey, participants who wish to receive the honoraria will be linked to an external survey to enter an email to which the e-transfer will be sent. Your email will not be linked to your survey responses.

This study will take place:

  • Remotely (online survey / phone / audio call)

Time commitment

This online survey is estimated to take 30 – 45 minutes to complete. Skip logic has been integrated so that you will only be shown questions for the sleep disturbances that you indicate. If not completed in one sitting, the page can be left open until you return to it. If you wish to complete the survey verbally, please contact the survey coordinator ( to arrange a call.

Click here to start the survey, or save to start later.

For more information or to sign up to participate, please contact the study coordinator Rebekah Lee by email at or call (778) 892-8560.

Sun Life Healthy You: Be a fan of your health

We launched the Sun Life Healthy You (SLHY) hub in 2023. We want to encourage Canadians to take charge of their health. We also want them to know that Sun Life is here as a partner that can help them live healthier lives. We built the SLHY hub as part of Sun Life’s ongoing multi-year partnership with the Toronto Raptors. It provides practical advice on the topics of goal setting, routine building, physical fitness, nutrition, and mental health.

[ID: a logo on a white background that reads: 'Sun Life: Healthy You']

[ID: a logo on a white background with the text that reads: 'Sun Life | Lumino Health]

Diabetes Coaching with Lumino Health Pharmacy

Lumino Health Pharmacy offers pharmacy services, provided by Pillway. In January 2024, they will begin offering diabetes coaching from a pharmacist to all plan members, free of charge!

Diabetes is a fast-growing chronic disease, and the cost of drugs to treat it is on the rise. Plan members with diabetes often experience other chronic diseases at the same time. Coaching with Lumino Health Pharmacy aims to help plan members follow their treatment and improve health outcomes.

About Lumino Health Pharmacy

Launched in July, Lumino Health Pharmacy is an optional service. There’s free delivery within Canada to help manage medication routines with confidence.

About the diabetes coaching program

To start a coaching session, plan members sign in to the Lumino Health Pharmacy mobile app or website.

  • Coaching will focus on lifestyle, diet, nutrition, mental health, health literacy and medication management.
  • On-going coaching is also available if needed.
  • The pharmacist can also coordinate with other health-care providers (if requested by the plan member). This includes general practitioners, specialists, and dietitians to best support plan members.

SunLife will launch diabetes coaching to plan members in January 2024. They send emails directly to targeted plan members who are actively claiming for diabetes-related medication(s). These emails will aim to raise awareness about the service and encourage them to use it. Standard exclusions will apply for plan member communications.

When plan members sign in to the my Sun Life mobile app or, they’ll receive messages about the program.

More details will follow about the coaching program in January, along with a preview of the plan member emails.

[ID: a logo on a white background with text that reads: 'Community Living British Columbia']

CLBC Reminder to get your flu and COVID-19 shots

Community Living BC encourages everyone who has yet to receive their COVID and flu shots this season, to kindly do so as soon as possible, ideally before the holiday season. COVID-19 remains a risk to the population (especially for those who are unvaccinated) and influenza cases are rising.

Priority to receive the COVID-19 vaccination is given to all individuals supported by CLBC. Invitations for this season’s vaccinations have been sent through email or text to everyone who has registered for a COVID vaccination in the past. It is possible to book both vaccinations in the same appointment! These vaccinations are free and available at pharmacies, health care authority clinics, and some primary care provider’s offices.

You can book your appointment through the Get Vaccinated System.

If you need help booking your appointment, you can call 1-833-838-2323. This number is open 7 days a week from 7am – 7pm and 9am – 5pm on statutory holidays.

Click here for BC’s fall respiratory illness immunization campaign

For those receiving benefits with Spectrum, we offer our EAP (Employee Assistance Program) to provide 24/7 confidential support to our employees. If you are not currently receiving group benefits but are in need of support, please reach out to your supervisor or Human Resources at so we can provide you with accessible options of support. For immediate access to set up assistance, you can click here: Lumino VC ( OR download the app directly onto your smart device by going to the App Store and searching Lumino Health Virtual Care. The graphic is as follows and you will need your benefit group number and Access ID to set it up:

When accessing EAP via the app is not possible:

Plan members can get access to immediate help through their EAP by calling 1-844-342-3327A Member Service Specialist will assess your needs and coordinate care with the appropriate resources.

Plan members are also able to access the EAP through the app or online.

If you or your dependents are having trouble using the app or website and need help accessing your account, they can:

For questions regarding benefits plan information, you can

*Applies to all Lumino Health Virtual Care products – Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Primary Care, Stress Management & Well-Being

Spectrum recognizes that our teams do an incredible job of supporting people in our services. The work that each of you do is valuable and at times, difficult. Please do honor what your body/mind may be communicating. If you feel increased stress or grief, please pay attention to those signals and reach out to the EAP or us for resources of support.

[ID: logo of Health & Safety Committee.]
Come Join the Health & Safety Committee

Are you passionate about enhancing workplace health and safety? Spectrum has a great opportunity for you to share your unique experiences and opinions as a part of the Health and Safety Committee.

Spectrum’s Health and Safety Committee are on a mission to fix and build our membership. The committee consists of Community Support Workers, Managers, and Human Resources personnel. The main purpose of the Health and Safety committee is to ensure we meet WorkSafeBC standards and that every employee and people we support know that their safety is a priority.

Some Roles and Responsibilities of Committee Members are:

  • To review all workplace reports of injuries and illness
  • Review reports of unsafe working conditions
  • Develop and review safety plans and protocols
  • Review training opportunities for staff
  • Ensure our Policies & Procedures align with WSBC regulations

You might be thinking that this sounds like a big commitment with an already busy schedule. However, we meet just once a month for a couple hours and you are paid for your time. Additionally, you also receive 8 hours of paid Health and Safety training each year.

This is a great opportunity to contribute to Health and Safety at Spectrum, diversify your skills, as well as connect with fellow Spectrum staff.

If you are interested in this opportunity, or want to know more information, please email or speak to your manager.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Your Health & Safety Committee

[ID: a graphic design with a yellow background. There is a white hanging sign with bold yellow text that reads: 'Employee Referral Program'.]

Is there anyone you know that is looking for meaningful work?

If you have a friend, family member or meet someone in the community that is interested in joining the team and you refer them to Spectrum, you could be eligible for a referral bonus!

If the person referred is hired and maintains at least 6 months of consistent employment with Spectrum, we will award a $250 Referral Bonus.

*for more information on the program, please email

We thank you for bringing us quality applicants/employees!