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Staff Access

Team News

November 7, 2021 – Our clocks fall back one hour at 2:00 am

The Spectrum Office will be closed on Remembrance Day –  November 11, 2021


Covid-19 Updates – October 21, 2021 – Vaccination Mandates in BC

Vaccination Mandates

In BC, there are two types of Vaccine Mandates being implemented to reduce the spread of Covid-19:

  1. Government has implemented mandates using Public Health guidelines to determine where the risk of transmission makes a mandate necessary for the safety of workers and patients.
  2. Employers have implemented their own mandates where they want to protect their workers, customers and the public.


The government first mandated that all workers in Long Term Care and Assisted Living be vaccinated because they are working with both the most vulnerable population – older British Columbians, and in the most risky environment – congregate care settings where 50 to 200 people are living in one building.


Later, the government ordered a second mandate covering acute care settings and community care settings.  This order also covers services funded by contracts with Health Authorities.  Spectrum provides some services funded by the Fraser Health Authority.  These services are now mandated to be provided by staff that are fully vaccinated.  Staff who are not fully vaccinated as of October 25, 2021 cannot work.  The full order is here on the web:


There are provisions in the order for employees who are in the process of completing their vaccinations.  Employees who are not vaccinated and not getting vaccinated are to be put on unpaid leave of absence.  The only exemptions that can be considered for employees are due to a medical deferral.  More information on the process for getting a medical deferral is here:


In community social services, government is also considering a mandate.  Many of the people we support are older (the greatest risk factor) and some have other health conditions that make them more vulnerable to serious illness if they catch Covid-19.  If government creates a vaccine mandate for community social services, we will share the order, the specific services covered and the timelines for implementation.


Vaccine Status and Safety Measures

As we discussed in our October 8, 2021 Update, we are following provincial health guidelines on safety while we help people we support to resume their community activities and social connections.  We are reviewing all services to identify risks and developing strategies unique to each situation.


Vaccination and Workplace Discussions

Vaccines, their safety and their effectiveness are popular debates on social media and with your family and friends, but these debates should not be happening when you are at work.  For people that have questions about the vaccine, Vancouver Coastal Health has this page: and says that people should talk to a doctor if they have particular concerns about their own health and vaccines.


Vaccination is the most important preventive measure

[From the Provincial Health Order] Vaccination is safe, very effective, and the single most important preventive measure health professionals, visitors to hospitals, providers of care or services in hospital or community settings, and the staff or contractors of an organization which provides health care or services in hospital or community settings can take to protect patients, residents and clients, and the health and personal care workforce, from infection, severe illness and possible death from COVID-19.

You can still get started or complete your vaccination at a local clinic. Vaccination clinics no longer require appointments.
You can find a nearby vaccination clinic by following these links:

In Vancouver Coastal Health:   Fraser Health clinics are here:


CLBC Teleconference for Families and Self-Advocates

When: Thursday, October 21, 2021
Time: 3:05 – 4 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time)

How to call in:
Vancouver: 604-681-0260
Elsewhere: 1-877-353-9184
Participant code: 99715#


CLBC Teleconference for Service Providers and Home Share providers

Speakers on this call will include:

  • Ross Chilton, CEO, Community Living BC 
  • Dr. Daniele Behn Smith, Deputy Provincial Health Officer 

When: Monday, October 25
Time: 9:35 – 10:30 a.m. (Pacific Daylight Time)

How to call in:
Vancouver – 604-681-0260
Elsewhere – 1-877-353-9184
Participant code: 31340#

Special instructions: Due to the number of expected participants, please begin to dial in as early as 9:25 a.m. PDT.

Please let us know if you have any questions.


RISE Community Groups and Workshops

For info or to register:

  • Email
  • Call Collingwood Neighbourhood House at 604-435-0323
  • Or ask a RISE Staff member

Spots are limited.  Registration required.

Please click these links below for further details:

Rise Groups

RISE Spring 2021 Workshops Info


ᐈ Earthquakes stock cliparts, Royalty Free seismic images | download on Depositphotos®

It is a great time to review the contents of emergency medical and earthquake kits in your home. 

Are your water and food rations currently dated? Other items like glow sticks and batteries have expiry dates. It’s a good time to make sure everything is up to date.

Did you use some of the medical supplies during the year?  Now is a great time to order replacement items.  Please note that WCB First Aid Kits are required in all of the homes that are staffed.

Have there been changes in the number of people residing in your home?  Do you need more or less supplies?

Have any of the people you live with changed their diets over the past year? Do you need to change the dietary foods in their earthquake kits?

If you need help with restocking your emergency medical and earthquake supplies please feel free to contact Judy Smith at for assistance.

It is a good time to review all safety procedures in the home; making sure that exit routes are clear of debris, including accessing risk factors (for example, moving items on shelves that could fall and moving heavy items to bottom shelves instead of top shelves). Are all staff are familiar with where emergency care items are stored?  Please review the following information from our policy manual with the staff and individuals you support. Include staff to join on skype or zoom if you cannot meet in person so everyone is familiar with this process.


When you have completed your Earthquake Drill please record this information on Sharevision.


First Aid Work Stock Illustrations – 2,297 First Aid Work Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

How to Register for First Aid:

We recommend obtaining and/or renewing your First Aid through St. John’s Ambulance with the Emergency First Aid Community Care course. If there is another course offered by a different provider, please contact Human Resources prior to enrolling to determine if it is equivalent and meets the basic requirements.

To obtain/renew through St John’s Ambulance, please call (604) 321-7242

If an employee does not have a valid first aid certificate upon hire, the fee to obtain or renew certification is the responsibility of the employee. Future renewal fees for active employees are covered by Spectrum.

  • If you are renewing your first aid, ask St. John Ambulance to invoice Spectrum Society
  • Let them know Spectrum Society will be paying for your course fee.

*St. John Ambulance may request authorization from Spectrum. Email with the date/location you want to complete the course and we will call them to confirm your registration.

First Aid is a requirement for employment as indicated in ‘Policy 4: Requirements for Employment. Below is a link to Spectrum’s First Aid policy:

For employees renewing their first aid, please ensure St. John’s Ambulance (SJA) includes the CPR pocket mask with your first aid registration. If the CPR pocket mask is not included with your registration fee, SJA requires attendees pay for this on the day of course completion; you can save your receipt and submit it to Human Resources for reimbursement.  

Please email your certificate of course completion to to have your file updated.

Please let Judy know if you have any questions or issues registering, by emailing