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Staff Access

WOW! CLBC and Spectrum Recognize Employer

We are pleased to be hosting an awards ceremony at our office tomorrow.  Nevada nominated his employer, Chris Kamachi of Digital Toys, for a WOW!clbc Award and they were selected as winners from among 100 applications.

WOW! means Widening Our World. Each year, CLBC gives WOW!clbc Awards to people who have made important contributions to helping people with developmental disabilities connect in more ways with their communities.

Every year, WOW! celebrates a different way of making people feel included. This year, we are celebrating people who go above and beyond the ordinary in their job to create a welcoming workplace, where everyone feels valued and respected.

Nevada has worked for seven months at Digital Toys in Surrey. His employer Chris has helped Nevada to be more hands on in the computer industry by taking him to meet vendors and showing him all sides of the business, so Nevada can learn more about the company. Nevada says, “I love my job so much that sometimes I get to work too early because I can’t wait to be there.”

We’ll post some pictures after the event tomorrow.

The full CLBC Press Release as a PDF is linked here.

Nevada and Chris got some media exposure in the Surrey Now on December 11, 2012.