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Staff Access

Changes to Health and Dental Coverage

We are very pleased and excited to announce that the CSBT employee benefits program will be moving to new insurance provider effective December 1, 2012. GroupHEALTH Global (CSBT’s administrator) has developed a new insurer relationship that will result in better service and support for all CSBT clients in BC.

New Providers

SSQ Financial Group: SSQ Financial Group has been providing quality service to clients for over 60 years and is Canada’s 5th largest employee benefits provider. They are well versed in the community social services industry and are committed to honouring existing plan designs and collective agreement requirements.

ClaimSecure: Extended Health Care and Dental Care claims will be paid by ClaimSecure. ClaimSecure has been providing Canadian companies with superior claims management services for 20 years. ClaimSecure provides bilingual services to 7,500 Canadian companies and they specialize in paying claims which results in faster turnaround times and better accuracy.

Enhancing Your Experience

These new providers bring elements and improvements to the CSBT program that we’re confident you and your employees will appreciate, including:

  • Enhanced rate stability and cost containment
  • Faster, more accurate claims payments
  • Faster resolution of issues

Better online resources (including Smart-Phone Apps for employees to review their coverage and track claims payments)

New Renewal Date and Extended Rate Guarantee

CSBT’s commitment is to provide rate stability and cost containment to community service agencies.

In addition to the change to insurance providers we are very pleased to announce that the CSBT’s next renewal date will be changing from April 1, 2013 to January 1, 2014 (and every January thereafter). This will mean that your existing premium costs will be held for an additional 9 months and you will not experience a renewal on April 1, 2013.

Your Long-Term Disability carrier will remain Fenchurch General. We are pleased to announce, however, that the CSBT’s next renewal date for LTD will be changing from April 1, 2013 to January 1, 2015 (and every January thereafter). This will mean that your existing premium costs will also be held for an additional 21 months.

Next Steps

Please submit any receipts for health and dental benefits immediately.  Industrial Alliance, our current provider, is only responsible to November 30, 2012 for reimbursement of expenses.  Here is a link to the Industrial Alliance Health Claim Form.

In the coming weeks, CSBT will be issuing new packages for each of our employees. The packages will include new materials (oneCards, new policy numbers, new PINs, new brochures etc) and a cover letter for each employee that explains the transfer to the new providers.

Lastly, employees will be able to access their updated booklets online by December 1st, 2012. In early January GroupHEALTH Global is planning to print several hard copies of each booklet for Plan Administrators to keep on hand for future reference. These will be mailed to all Plan Administrators; however, they will not be sending any hard copies of booklets to clients that have chosen the Go Green Initiative.

We are very excited about this improvement to the CSBT program, and we will work closely with you during this transition. Please don’t hesitate to contact our office should you have any questions.