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Staff Access

Consulting with Canadians on planned accessibility legislation

September 6, 2016

The Government of Canada is committed to developing new planned accessibility legislation to promote equality of opportunity and increase the inclusion and participation of Canadians who have disabilities or functional limitations.

Many Canadians continue to face barriers that affect their ability to participate in daily activities that most people take for granted. These could include:

– physical and architectural barriers that impede the ability to move freely in the built environment, use public transportation, access information or use technology;

– attitudes, beliefs and misconceptions that some people may have about people with disabilities and what they can and cannot do; and

– outdated policies and practices that do not take into account the varying abilities and disabilities that people may have.

In developing this new legislation, the Government of Canada is consulting Canadians both in person and online.

The Government of Canada is seeking your ideas to inform the development of this planned new legislation, including:

– feedback on the overall goal and approach;

– whom it should cover;

– what accessibility issues and barriers it should address;

– how it could be monitored and enforced;

– when or how often it should be reviewed;

– how and when to report to Canadians on its implementation; and

– how to raise accessibility awareness more generally and support organizations in improving accessibility.

The public consultation will be open until February 2017 and information on viewpoints received will be made available after the consultation is closed.