Dr. Christopher Kliewer, Douglas Biklen, and Amy J. Petersen’s 2015 paper in the Harvard Education Review unravels the construction of intellectual disability which has dominated policy and practice in schools and communities. The authors synthesized data from first-person narratives, family accounts, and participatory inquiry to propose a theory of human connectedness in which intellectual competence is constructed through social action and interaction. Join us for this interactive presentation and discussion which will be of interest to schools, services for adults and those interested in Critical Disability Theory.
Chris Kliewer, Ph.D., has focused his career on supporting full inclusion and literacy for all students including students with complex developmental disabilities. He is a Regents’ Professor of Special Education at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA. Chris’ work encompasses social justice, action-ethnography, interpretive inquiry, historiography, and philosophy in the analysis of traditionally marginalized groups associated with significant disability. Recent publications include At the End of Intellectual Disability [Harvard Educational Review with Douglas Biklen and Amy J. Petersen) and Seeing All Kids as Readers: A New Vision for Literacy in the Inclusive Early Childhood Classroom [Baltimore, MD: Brookes].
Event to be held at the following time, date, and location: Friday, 21 April 2017 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (PDT) The Aboriginal Gathering Place at Douglas College |
Link to Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/dr-chris-kliewer-at-the-end-of-intellectual-disability-tickets-32196027184
Spectrum Society is currently celebrating its thirtieth anniversary of offering individualised supports in the neighbourhoods of greater Vancouver by hosting 30 events, including this one. Thanks to all our friends, neighbours, colleagues and families who have supported our mission!