Please remember to let our HR team know about any changes to your mailing address and contact information….. In addition, if any of your tax circumstances have changed please remember to stop by the office and complete a new TD1/TD1BC for the current taxation year.
Municipal Pension Plan Changes:
What’s changing
Next steps
If you have questions, please contact Employer Operations at 250 356-9701 in Victoria or toll-free (in Canada) at 1 855-356-9701. Thank you, Employer Operations Your pension experience… we make it easy!
MANDT System – Building Healthy Relationships
The Mandt System® program presents an education and training system of gradual and graded alternatives for de-escalating and supporting people, using a combination of interpersonal communication skills and physical interaction techniques designed to reduce injury to all the participants in an encounter.
We are pleased to offer Mandt Training to our staff. Please speak with your program manager to be referred to attend one of the upcoming sessions.
Option A: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Two Day Mandt Training
- In-depth training over two 6 hour classes
- No physical skill training
Option B: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Three Day Mandt Training
- In-depth training over three 6 hour classes
- Includes physical skill training
Upcoming Sessions
- March 28th, 29th & April 4th, 2017 – Class is Full!
- June 22nd and 23rd, 2017
SSCL Employee Group on Facebook
We’ve created an Employee Facebook Group!
If you’re on Facebook, please look us up and ‘Join’ the group;
SSCL Employee Group
Click Here and login to your own Facebook, click ‘Join’
Please also feel free to ‘suggest’ or ‘share’ this group with other Spectrum colleagues you’re already friends with!
This forum will be to share announcements, updates, newsletters, training, stories, celebrations and other important news with staff and colleagues.
We invite all staff to participate by appropriately sharing any community events, stories or photos from your time spent with people you’re supporting.
We look forward to your participation!
Are you already hired by Spectrum? If you’re working relief and looking for full or part-time opportunities, take a look at our Job Postings here!
Spread the word! If you’re enjoying your work and the people you’re meeting….tell your friends!
Have them send in their resume to
Guess what!? We have a referral program!
If you have a friend, family member or meet someone in the community that is interested in joining the team and you refer them to Spectrum, you could be eligible for a referral bonus!
If the person referred is hired and maintains at least 9 months of consistent employment with Spectrum, we will award a $50 Referral Bonus (Pre-loaded Visa card).
*if you’d like more info on the program, please email
Our way of saying thank you for bringing us quality applicants/employees!
The Health and Safety Committee is accepting nominations for those who would like to join the committee.
If you or someone you know would like to be nominated, please notify Naomi or Rachel in Human Resources at
According to WorkSafe BC, there should be no fewer than four regular members. If nominations are insufficient, the team will appoint employees to become members.
Below are some responsibilities of an H&S Committee member:
– Meet once per month
– Improve safety within the organization
– Educate about safety within the organization
– Review safety issues
– Provide feedback on safety issues
– Represent employees within safety related issues
– Review of incidents (WorkSafe claims)
– Review Unsafe Working Conditions reports
– Provide awareness to people regarding safety issues
Health and Safety members review Work Safe claims within Spectrum. One of the main goals of the H&S Committee is to prevent injuries and accidents from re-occurring.