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Staff Access

Folks We Care About: Alex Li

Clean Washrooms at the YVR Airport

If you have been at the airport lately and noticed that there is not a dot of smudge on the mirrors in the male washrooms – you’ve got it… Alex Li is the most recent employee at the YVR Airport, with the Carrillion company.

In late October, Alex was hired as part of the cleaning crew at the YVR Airport where he makes sure that the fountains are cleaned; both men and family washrooms are cleaned as well.  He empties the garbage cans, and if there is any garbage on the floors, he picks it up. Every morning, he starts off his day with a staff meeting where his manager shares some staff news and events with the team, and then each staff member goes to their respected area to clean.

He enjoys his work as he likes working by himself, cleaning things, and working at his own pace. The airport is a very busy place, but he is quite content minding his business and maintaining the cleanliness of the airport, which has the reputation to be one of the cleanest airports in the world!

Alex knows that fulfilling his duties is only half of the job, the other half is knowing how to relate to people and his colleagues. The Carrillion staff prides itself on working as a team, so knowing how to relate to his peers is an important skill. Alex is aware that knowing how to relate to people is not his forte, but he does have the desire to improve.

Way to go, Alex and congratulations!