September 21, 2017
A number of Spectrum team members got an introduction to the Gentle Teaching movement at the 2017 Gentle Teaching International Conference. Gentle Teaching has four pillars – helping people to feel Safe and Loved, Loving and Engaged. There are four tools caregivers use to help people – their eyes, their hands, their words and their presence.
At the conference, there are participants from Iceland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, the U.S.A. and across Canada. Some people from Denmark asked the conference organizer if they could visit some homes in Vancouver to see how services are provided in Canada. We asked Barb and Veronica if they would like to host a visit and meet people from Denmark and they were pleased to help out.

Aaron, Susan and Ernie presented to an audience of international delegates on Tuesday afternoon – The priority of growing and deepening our circles as a lens to all we do. People said they appreciated the focus on connecting people to their community to develop more relationships.