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Getting Prepared for Winter Weather

Winter is on its way, so now’s the time to start preparing for the months ahead. There will be a greater risk for severe weather which can be a risk to your safety in many ways, and it is always a good idea to prepare for the worst. Here are some recommendations from the BC government on how to best prepare:

  1. Create and maintain an emergency plan. Prepared BC has a fill-in-the-blanks Home Emergency Plan available to help you get started along with resources for those with disabilities.
  2. Identify a winter weather buddy. If you or someone you know experiences mobility issues it can be a good idea to have a friend to help out with tasks such as with shoveling snow and running errands if leaving the home is challenging.
  3. Prepare your home. Ensure you have good insulation, and weather stripping along doors and windows if necessary, and keep a shovel and salt on hand. Removing snow from walkways can reduce slips and falls.
  4. Prepare your vehicle. Install winter tires and keep your tank at least half full at all times. It can be a good idea to keep winter-specific emergency items on hand.
  5. Use appropriate clothing and gear. Hats, gloves and wearing multiple layers of clothes help prevent heat loss. Bright clothes and shoes that are waterproof with good grip is recommended.
  6. Follow trusted sources for information. Environment and Climate Change Canada is a good source for weather alerts. First Nations Health Authority and Emergency Info BC are also reliable sources.