Social Determinants of Health: Buzzwords to Practice
The term “Social Determinants of Health” is used in many places in many ways. Our first Speaker Series event this fiscal year will help break through all the buzz. We’ve brought together three prominent and diverse speakers to help family physicians concretely understand what it really means to consider and act on the socio-economic condition of their patients – whether within their practice or within broader changes to the healthcare system to move towards a more comprehensive Primary Care Home.
Date: Thursday Feb 16, 2017
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Museum of Vancouver – Joyce Walley Room (main floor) – 1100 Chestnut St. Vancouver, BC
Cost: Free! Snacks & Refreshments will be provided
More information and Registration at:
Lunch and Learn with Lori and Aaron – Your Questions about Mental Health
11:30 – 1:30, Friday February 17th
Where: our boardroom at 3231 Kingsway (or our new training space! If it’s ready).
What are we talking about? Whatever people would like to talk about… some examples of questions people have had:
“There’s so many activities over the holidays how can I manage my anxiety?”
“What is schizophrenia anyway?”
“I don’t want to take medications – what are my alternatives?”
“I support someone who doesn’t want to take medications – what can I do?”
This three month session of lunch and learns are for staff who support folks within Spectrum, staff who have their own questions about themselves or people they care about, the families of folks we support.
We will begin by talking about what confidentiality is and how to have good boundaries: “what we hear here, stays here.”
Lunch will be provided. Please let Judy or the Office Manager know if you are attending so we can make sure we order enough. Some vegetarian options will be available; people who have more particular needs should bring their own lunches and we’ll reimburse you.
If you want to know more about Lori Damon, who works with Reach Community Health Care and also in private practice, check out her website:
HSA Canada 2017 Person Centred Practices Gathering
The HSA Canada / Learning Community for Person-Centred Practices Gathering is both a place to learn and a place to share what is being learned about person-centred practices.
April 11th & 12th, 2017
The Gathering will include:
– Person-Centred Management Practices
– Person-Directed Planning and Facilitation
– A Learning Marketplace
And more!!
Registration includes:
• Free registration to the International HSA online Community
• Choice of concurrent sessions
• Learning Marketplace sessions
• Continental breakfast, lunch and breaks
Registration rates: Individual: $385 + HST 1 day: $225 + HST Groups of 4 or more: $375 + HST each People with disabilities: $200 + HST Family members: $240 + HST
More information and Registration at:
MANDT System – Building Healthy Relationships
The Mandt System® program presents an education and training system of gradual and graded alternatives for de-escalating and supporting people, using a combination of interpersonal communication skills and physical interaction techniques designed to reduce injury to all the participants in an encounter.
We are pleased to offer Mandt Training to our staff. Please speak with your program manager to be referred to attend one of the upcoming sessions.
Option A: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Two Day Mandt Training
- In-depth training over two 6 hour classes
- No physical skill training
Option B: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Three Day Mandt Training
- In-depth training over three 6 hour classes
- Includes physical skill training
Upcoming Sessions
- March 28th, 29th & April 4th, 2017
- June 22nd and 23rd, 2017