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Staff Access

Learning Opportunities – May 25, 2018

Plan Institute

Link to Endowment 150 grant and RDSP Information:  Plan Institute
Endowment 150 Application: Endowment 150 Application

Wills, Trusts & Estates – Workshop

2018:  June 7

Learn how to arrange your estate, prepare a Will, and set up a trust for your loved one with a disability.

2018 Portland Gathering – July 22-25, 2018

Co-Hosted by The Learning Community for Person Centred Practices

The Portland Gathering has long held a unique place in the heart of our learning community. The length of the event allows participants to go beyond updates, presentations and networking and take a deeper dive into how person centered practices are being implemented, and engage in the co-creation of new ideas, initiatives, materials and plans for the future of our work together.

More info and registration at:


2018 Tash Conference – November 28 – 30

Portland, Oregon

Each year, the TASH Conference brings together a diverse community of stakeholders who gain information, learn about resources, and connect with others across the country to strengthen the disability field. This year’s conference theme, “Be Creative – Innovative Solutions for an Inclusive Life,” reminds us to think outside the box during times of uncertainty. Creativity, innovation, and determination can pave the way for meaningful and inclusive lives for
people with disabilities.

More info and registration at: