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Staff Access

Learning Opportunities – May 27, 2019

David Pitonyak

Beyond “Behaviors” – Supporting Competence, Confidence, and Well-Being 

Monday, 10 June 2019 from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PDT)

Heritage Hall

3102 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3G7

Difficult behaviors result from unmet needs.  This workshop examines seven quality of life indicators that are often missing in the life of a person who experiences our services.  Based on the idea from Jean Clarke that a person’s needs are best met by people whose needs are met, this day-long workshop examines strategies for supporting not only an individual who experiences disabilities but also the needs of his or her caregivers.


At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will have developed knowledge in the following areas:

  • Determining what people may be communicating through their difficult behaviors;
  • The role of  physiological or psychiatric needs in the development of difficult behaviors
  • The importance of asking critical quality of life questions in building a support plan;
  • The critical importance of addressing caregiver needs in the development of a support plan;
  • Ways to support an individual in crisis.

We will supply breakfast pastries, drinks and snacks; lunch is on your own at one of the many local restaurants in this area.

Event is limited to 75 participants.

Link to Registration:


David Pitonyak

Particularly (but not only) for Shared Living Folks:  

The Importance of Belonging

Tuesday, 11 June 2019 from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PDT)

Heritage Hall 

3102 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3G7

Being connected to the people we love is critical to our emotional and physical well-being.  Many people experiencing our services are sick from loneliness.  This workshop is about ideas for moving beyond interventions and coverage to a system that supports enduring, freely chosen relationships.

In our recent Home Share research we talked to lots of people who share their lives and value what they are doing, and wanted opportunities to learn together.  This workshop is a response that hopes to honor those requests.

Breakfast, drinks and snacks are included – lunch on your own at one of the amazing local restaurants in the area!

Event is limited to 70ish participants.

More information about David:

Link to Registration:


July Vancouver PATH and person-centered planning Training

Wednesday, 3 July 2019 at 9:30 AM – Friday, 5 July 2019 at 4:30 PM

Barb Goode Training Space – 3223 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC V5R 5K3

Event Details

Co-facilitating PATH and MAPS as exemplary forms of person centered planning for individuals, friends and family, teams and organizations

Aaron Johannes, Eilidh Nicholson and Laurel Charnetski

What is MAP or PATH planning? 

PATH is a process in which a facilitator and a graphic facilitator work with a focal person (or organization or team) and their supporters to create a vision of the best possible future, out of which comes a plan that is always “positive” and “possible,” understood by all and no longer mysterious or scary. By the end of the PATH event the focal person or group has communicated where they want to go, what and who they need to support their journey, and how this part of their lives will be part of a bigger future. Those who care about them often say they feel clear, inspired and hopeful afterwards, and are excited to take on action-oriented roles. A PATH is a great tool to bring a network together and the “new” PATH processes focus on the development of support networks more than ever!

Eilidh, Laurel and Aaron, together and with other partners, have been doing PATHs for individuals, organizations and teams for more than 20 years collectively and this responsive process continues to surprise and delight them as they watch individuals and teams who think they hate “planning” come to life and families get excited about the future.  Laurel is an Inclusion Support Teacher in the Surrey School District, Eilidh has worked with adults in two agencies as the designated planning organizer, and Aaron has worked with many agencies and is an instructor at Douglas College.

What a PATH is:

  • powerful and empowering
  • practical and dream-based
  • communal and individualized
  • a great way to bring a support network together
  • a great way to get on the same page
  • action-oriented

What PATH is not:

  • a cookie cutter approach
  • a way to force someone to be part of your plan for them


  • individuals who are at a time in their lives when a creative, inspired approach feels right
  • facilitators looking for a person-centered method of planning they can use in a variety of situations
  • families who want to work together
  • friends who want to make a difference
  • committed employers
  • agency leaders wanting to know what’s optimal, so they can do their best work

What about MAPS?   

  • MAPs are a related process – they go a bit faster, are good problem-solving tools and focus on different parts of person-centered planning.  Learning both tools will give us a sense of how person-centered planning works for people, teams, groups, projects and organizations looking for ways to be more responsive

Over three days together, in a small group, we will…

  • see a PATH being facilitated by experienced facilitators with opportunities for questions
  • learn the steps of a PATH
  • have fun with drawing, even if we think we can’t draw
  • facilitate a PATH for someone
  • graphically facilitate a PATH for someone
  • have a PATH done for ourselves
  • learn to honor this process as participatory leaders
  • have fun, get energized and think new thoughts
  • learn about other person-centered planning methods
  • get a really cool certificate
  • share our strengths

Why might you want to do this training in particular?  

  • between us we have a lot of experience with different kinds of people in different places, and different situations
  • Aaron has trained as a graphic recorder in several different settings and will share some of that knowledge with you
  • currently, Aaron is working on a book about how person-centered planning works and what the various methods have in common and why they are useful as a suite of tools and an emancipatory approach to people who are marginalized
  • Eilidh has been the planning facilitator of choice for two different agencies and has worked in a project for youth transitioning to adult services

For tickets:


Open Future Learning

Open Future Learning Collaborating with some of the most revolutionary thinkers and leaders in our field, Open Future Learning has created over 500 short films. These powerful and often emotive films are embedded into the contents of each module. The films capture the invaluable experience of these people and inspire the user by bringing the learning to life. 

Learning is made easy with a range of multimedia tools that engage the user. This includes interactive graphics that explain abstract concepts, professionally produced films, top animation, quality written content, and audio that is synced to all written content.

Log in to Sharevision to find out more about how to register for this free training.