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Staff Access

Low Wage Redress – Wage Equity Update #31

We have been active in the past week on the Low Wage Redress issue. In my update last week – Wage Equity Update #30 – I explained that government is trying to fund wage increases unfairly, providing us with a 2% increase and funding union workers in community living with a 5.3% increase.  We think we can get government to change this decision, but we need your help.

First, an update on actions taken last week:

  1. We attended Question Period at the BC Legislature on Tuesday April 2nd. The opposition is well aware of the issue and asked the government many questions about why they were funding union employees differently from non-union employees.  You can read the transcripts of question period (draft) here:
    1. April 2 – Question Period Draft Transcript
      1. Video of Question Period on April 2, 2019
    2. April 3 – Question Period Draft Transcript
      1. Video of Question Period on April 3, 2019
    3. April 4 – Question Period Draft Transcript
      1. Video of Question Period on April 4, 2019
    4. April 8 – Question Period Draft Transcript
      1. Video of Question Period on April 8, 2019
    5. April 9 – Question Period Draft Transcript
      1. Video of Question Period on April 9, 2019
  1. We held a press conference on the steps of the legislature at 1pm on Tuesday April 2nd.  Here is a link to the press release and backgrounder we shared with the media:
    1. April 2, 2019 Press Release
    2. Backgrounder for Press Release
    3. Photos from Press Conference

There were over 100 people from across the Province, and representatives from Inclusion BC, Vela Canada, and from unionized agencies, non-union agencies and blended agencies.

Media coverage of Press Conference
Press Conference with 100 supporters from across the Province.

3. On Wednesday, April 3rd we met with Shane Simpson, the Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, some of his staff, and a representative from MCFD. We explained the history of the wage equity issue, the impact that this Low Wage Redress decision will have on our teams and services, and how many people are affected.  The Minister said the discussion on this issue is live within government and he hopes to have a response soon.

4. On Thursday, April 4th, we posted a follow-up Press Release to update the BC CEO network members, media, families and communities on our progress:

i. April 4, 2019 – BC CEO Press Release – Follow-up to Meeting with Minister Simpson

So, how can you help educate our government about fairness and respect for the workers in community social services?

Contact your MLA’s to let them know your concern about this issue.

      1. Letter Template – Employees and Families write to MLA’s Edit the red text areas to add your own ideas about the impact of this government decision.
      2. Link to your MLAs:
      3. Link to Cabinet Ministers:

Attend the Policy & Procedures Meeting – Monday, April 15, 2019 at 4pm

email to RSVP so we can have enough food.

Get active on Social Media:

Show government that people are concerned about #LowWageRedress. Search the following hashtags and retweet, or go on Facebook and share information and pictures from the Press Conference.

#LowWageRedress | #EqualPay4EqualWork | #WageEquality | #BCPoli

Social Media Tips – Twitter:

1.)    Follow some active Twitter accounts: @BCCEONetwork @SSCLSpectrum @VelaCanada

2.)    Use the following hashtags when tweeting about Low Wage Redress: #LowWageRedress #BCPoli #EqualPay4EqualWork #WageEquality #17000Workers #Respect #Fairness

3.)    Retweet @BCCEONetwork and other tweets about #LowWageRedress

4.)    Tag @InclusionBC and @VelaCanada when you tweet or retweet

5.)    Follow reporter @TomFletcherBC and retweet his stories about Low Wage Redress

6.)    Tweet the following links:


7.)    Share this Twitter information with your co-workers, families, people you support, Board members, and your community. The more people involved, the better.

Social Media Tips – Facebook:

1)      Use your  Facebook account to post about and share this story

2)      Use the following hashtags when posting about Low Wage Redress: #LowWageRedress #BCPoli #EqualPay4EqualWork #WageEquality #17000Workers

3)      Repost the following FB posts about Low Wage Redress:


4)      Share this Facebook information with your affected staff members, families, people you support, Board members, and your community. The more people involved, the better.