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Staff Access

MPP Annual Report Posted

Spectrum employees voted to join the Municipal Pension Plan and our contributions began in July 2010. For most employees, they are now “vested” and have a guaranteed retirement income. That retirement income will grow with each year of work and contributions.

The Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 2012 has been posted to the MPP website and there is lots of information there for your enlightenment.

LINK TO 2012 MPP Annual Report

Did you know? Seventy-five per cent of the cost of pensions is funded by investment income, and the remaining 25 per cent is funded by employer and member contributions.

You should have received your 2012 Member’s Benefit Statement in June this year which has information on your pension value.  You can contact the MPP a number of ways:

Mailing Address: Phone:
Municipal Pension Plan Victoria: 250 953-3000
PO Box 9460 Toll-free in Canada and U.S.: 1 800 668-6335
Victoria, BC V8W 9V8
Location: Fax:
2995 Jutland Road, Victoria, BC V8T 5J9 250 953-0421
Map (Note: Will open a second window)
Office Hours: Contact the Municipal Pension Plan
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.