On October 26th, 2013 from 1 – 4, we celebrate Community Living Days our annual Open House, Book Launch and, at 4:15 p.m., our A.G.M. Scheduled for the day are Sheenagh Morrison with our latest book,Researching Researchers: interviews with researchers about disability, an inclusive research project. Until the 26th this is available at a pre-sale price. As well, Peter Bourne will be joining us to perform songs from his new C.D. which we are proud to distribute, If I can help someone today The talented Ben Simcoe will be doing impressions. We will be co-hosted by the folks from Cheryl’s Star Raft Salon, and Cheryl and David Wetherow will be giving a short presentation. At 4 p.m. we are thrilled to have guest Michelle Goos from Victoria who will be talking briefly about the leadership role of self advocates in the provincial supported employment plan! We also hear there will be other self advocate authors from our own Spectrum Press and other publishers who will be there to sign books! There are fun things happening all day! Join us at our office!
3231 Kingsway, Vancouver, B.C.