Monday, September 16, 2013 at 9:30 AM – Friday, September 20, 2013 at 4:00 PM (PDT)
Burnaby, British Columbia
“Person centred planning grew out of a passionate concern to support people with developmental disabilities in discovering and contributing their gifts.”
Connie Lyle O’Brien and John O’Brien
This statement will be our keystone during this week of learning together. How do we use planning as an opportunity to discover the gifts of people and how do we help them identify, increase and continue in their contributions of their gifts? PATH is an exemplary way of accomplishing this – and we’ll examine the elements of the process that make it so, and how we can build on these elements in other kind of planning, in our interactions with individuals, families, friends and agencies. We’ll also look at how the lenses that we become aware of during such planning can become useful in our roles of supporting person centeredness.
“Aaron and Shelly are remarkable at keeping you in the moment, celebrating your successes and developing an environment that enourages personal and professional growth and exploration. The workshop was well paced and Aaron and Shelly instantly developed an environment that encourage open dialogue, personal and professional exploration mixed in with a liberal dose of humour and joy. I would whole heartedly recommend the workshop.”
Geri Briggs-Simpson, MEd., Community Services Supervisor, City of Coquitlam.
PATH is a process in which a facilitator and a graphic facilitator work with a focal person (or organization or team) and their supporters to create a vision of the best possible future, out of which comes a plan that is always “positive” and “possible,” understood by all and no longer mysterious or scary. By the end of the PATH event the focal person or group has communicated where they want to go, what and who they need to support their journey, and how this part of their lives will be part of a bigger future. Those who care about them often say they feel clear, inspired and hopeful afterwards, and get to take on action oriented roles. A PATH is a great tool to bring a network together.
We are joined in this workshop by David Wetherow who, as well as being an acknowledged expert in PATH facilitation with his wife Faye, has been working on an important conceptualization of planning as generative and network driven – the Star Raft. Come and learn more!
What a PATH is:
•powerful and empowering
•practical and dream-based
•communal and individualised
•a great way to bring a support network together
•a great way to get on the same page
What PATH is not:
•a cookie cutter approach
•a way to force someone to be part of your plan for them
•Individuals who are at a time in their lives when a creative, inspired approach feels right
•facilitators looking for a more person centred method of planning they can use in a variety of situations
•families who want to work together
•friends who want to make a difference
•committed employers
•agency leaders wanting to know what’s optimal so they can do their best work
Each day runs from 9:30 – 4 p.m., all materials are supplied and a certificate of attendance is awarded. Lunch is on your own at Metrotown. This is experiential learning and each person will have a PATH, facilitate a PATH and draw one (we’ll help you make the leap if this is hard to imagine!). We will make opportunities to focus on the interests of individual participants.
Shelley and Aaron, together and with other partners, have been doing PATHs for individuals, organizations and teams for more than 20 years and it is still a process that surprises and delights them as they watch individuals who think they hate “planning” come to life and families get excited about the future. Most recently they have been thrilled to work with David Wetherow and his “star raft” model on planning with a focus on generating networks of support.
“Aaron and Shelley are masters at releasing the creativity within. For me this was all about re-connecting with my graphic arts self and utilizing these tools to facilitate discussions supporting choice, dreams, and goals. Aaron and Shelley supported our learning goals with total dedication. The most inspirational, powerful, and fun training ever- you will not be disappointed!”
Meaghen Taylor-Reid, Community Living B.C. Facilitator / Community Development
Register online with EventBrite or write to Aaron for more information.
Our Printable Brochure provides more details on the event.