Just Singin’ Round (JSR)
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Spectrum Society is partnering with Synergy Collective Society and will be hosting a fundraising showcase September 11, 2012 at the Rowing Club in Stanley Park.
Synergy is a community-based organization that blends art with social responsibility to support and create cooperative community programming. They combine theoretical and practical training in community stewardship and planning to develop and support integrated partnerships between local charities, businesses and artisans.
Synergy offers a unique singer/songwriter showcase at the Vancouver Rowing Club, called Just Singin’ Round. The show is generally held on the first Tuesday of the month and features some of Canada’s most prominent singer/songwriters who share their gifts of music to help raise awareness and money for 10 community charities Synergy partners with each year. These charities work in collaboration with the artisans and Synergy to host the event while further developing skills in the area of communication, partnership, team building, marketing and community networking. The evening, which includes a full course dinner prepared by Emelle’s Catering, also serves as an avenue for patrons to connect and engage in the development of community awareness with all proceeds being distributed to the charities associated with Synergy.
Just Singin’ Round ( JSR) is held at the Vancouver Rowing Club located at the entrance to Stanley Park off of Georgia street – 604 687 3400 – Doors open at 6:00pm sharp – dinner is served from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm – the show starts at 7:40pm – first intermission at 8:30pm – second set starts at 9:00pm – show finishes at 10:00pm. We have single ticket to entire table ticket purchases available.
Here are some of the ways that you can become involved in the fundraising event and support Spectrum Society;
1. Volunteer from 6pm to 10pm ( can be in shifts i.e. 5:30 to 7:30, 8:00 to 10:00) to assist with seating, serving and after show tear down,
2. Provide door prizes valued from $25 to $50 and beyond,
3. Front door hostess support to assist patrons to their seats,
4. Sell and purchase tickets to the show.
Single Ticket donations are $50.00 for adults, $25.00 for seniors/students and children under 12 free. Entire Table donations are $500.00 (10 seats)
For ticket purchases, to sign up to volunteer or to arrange door prizes please contact Judy Wong at 604-323-1433 ext 101 or judy@spectrumsociety.org
Thank you for your support!