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Staff Access

Team News – August 24, 2018

The Spectrum office will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 3, 2018

LifeWorks Features for August



Substance Abuse

An estimated 70 percent of substance abusers are employed and active in the workforce, studies show. Substance abuse can cause workplace accidents; affect physical well-being and ruin relationships; and is estimated to cost $38 billion
annually in lost workplace productivity and in impact to the Canadian healthcare and criminal justice systems.

See the Substance Abuse Manager Feature (live on the platform’s homepage in “Featured Articles” from August 1 to 31) for helpful substance abuse awareness information, as well as guidance on managing a substance abuse concern in the
workplace. Or, access resources online any time, such as:

• Alcohol Awareness: Key Facts About Alcohol Use and Abuse
• How to Refer an Employee to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
• Non-Medical Cannabis, Medical Cannabis and Workplace Guidelines for Managers
• Recognizing a Substance Abuse Problem and What To Do

To learn more about substance abuse in the workplace, or for confidential guidance and support, remember that you can always contact LifeWorks. We’re here for you, 24/7.


Addiction and Recovery

Millions of people nationwide are struggling with a drug or alcohol abuse problem. You may have a co-worker, friend, child, partner, or other loved one with a substance abuse problem.  For help and support for yourself or a loved one, see our Addiction and Recovery feature (live on the platform’s homepage in “Featured Articles” from August 1 to 31). You’ll find our new Addiction and Recovery Toolkit and other helpful resources for individuals and families affected by substance abuse. Or, access the
following resources online any time:

• 12-Step Programs for Alcohol and Drug Addiction
• Are You Using Drugs or Alcohol to Cope with Depression or Anxiety?
• How to Help Someone Get Past Resistance to Drug or Alcohol Treatment
• When Someone You Love is Using or Abusing Opioids

Remember that confidential support is available from LifeWorks. Contact a caring advisor today for guidance, support, or if you just need to talk. We’re here for you, 24/7.

Contact LifeWorks toll-free, any time.


Please refer to your LifeWorks wallet card for telephone number and website username and password.

Note that this month’s feature will be live on the homepage from August 1 to 31, 2018.

Search the platform any time for helpful resources related to this topic.  Download the “LifeWorks” app!