We have individuals who are in their successful work opportunities and enjoying contributing back to the community. But they are also making a wage for their work responsibilities, so I often wonder what they are doing with their money. Do they spend it? Do they give it all away? Do they save all of it? Money management is a tricky thing as it is tough knowing how much too save and how much to spend!
Money can be one of the means to feel included for some people. It is a means to purchase gifts for friends’ birthdays or for any other special occasions, purchasing a ticket to an activity, sporting event, or any other festivities! It could also give you the opportunity to give back to other social causes, such as feeding the hungry, helping the homeless, or the various cancer fundraisers. It could also be a means to treat others for a meal or coffee just because of being a good person or thanking them. Money can be spent on others as it can be a pleasant gesture!
You can even spend money for yourself, such as buying clothes and shoes, or going for a haircut. It always feels good spending money on yourself!
But there’s an element to money management that you have to be responsible, such as putting money in the bank to save for another day or year. Saving money is a good thing as it helps you feel secure and well taken care of! One of the great savings plans for people with disabilities is the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP). An RDSP allows you to save money for the future, without paying tax on the earnings. The federal government will contribute as much at $90,000 to your account. For more information, please visit: https://www.rdsp.com/ It is important to save for your future!