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Staff Access

Your feedback on Future Training

As part of the Policy and Procedures Survey in October, we asked about your suggestions for future training.  Here are some of the results as a word cloud:

Approximately 50% of the suggestions were focused on support strategies for the work we do with individuals.  Examples include: Aging, Positive Support Strategies, Augmentative Communication, Using Technology, Assisted Decision-Making.

40% of suggestions focused on improved teamwork.  Suggestions included communication skills, conflict resolution, leadership development and planning.

5% of the suggestions focused on community development with requests for training on reconciliation, community living sector updates, and government relations.

5% of the suggestions focused on wellness with ideas such as stress management and work-life balance.

Thanks again for all your input.  If you have more suggestions you can talk to your manager or send them to .  There is more information on rest of the survey results on the Policy and Procedures Committee Website.