Monday May 18, 2020 is the Victoria Day Holiday
Key Principles Going Forward
The Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry introduced these principles on Monday. Today at 3pm the government will explain some of the concrete next steps in reducing restrictions. These principles are going to be part of our new normal for the next year, to help everyone stay healthy and safe.
- Staying informed, being prepared and following public health advice.
- Practicing good hygiene (hand hygiene, avoid touching face, respiratory etiquette, disinfect frequently touched surfaces).
- Staying at home and away from others if feeling ill – not going to school/work.
- Maintaining physical distancing outside the household (eg. No hand shaking or hugging, small numbers of contacts and keeping a safe distance).
- Making necessary contact safer with appropriate controls (eg. Plexiglass barriers, room design).
- Increasing environmental cleaning at home and work.
- Considering the use of non-medical masks in situations where physical distancing cannot be maintained (eg. On transit, shopping).
- Reducing personal non-essential travel.
7 Ways to Support British Columbia’s Travel Industry
British Columbians are passionate about adventure—whether climbing the highest Kootenay Rockies peaks with a guide, sipping wine in an Okanagan vineyard, or casting a line in a fishing boat off the shores of Vancouver Island. Today, however, we’re living a reality that prevents us from exploring BC’s big, beautiful backyard, so we can slow the spread of COVID-19.
Our current focus is on staying home, and this reality means that small businesses—the lifeblood of many tourism experiences—are shouldering the weight of the virus’s impact. More than 90 per cent of the province’s 19,000 businesses have fewer than 50 employees, and while some operations are showing their support to those on the front lines, many are not in a position to do so, as they’ve had to pause operations indefinitely.
So, how do we help our local industries survive? After all, these are more than businesses—these people connect us to the world around us, to our roots and to other cultures; they offer rich experiences that inspire us, fire up our imaginations, and offer a feeling of belonging. They are integral to the communities we live in and lean on today, as well as to the communities that will help us explore later, when the time is right.
Here are Seven ways to support British Columbia’s travel industry—now.
- Stay at Home.
- Plan your next vacation.
- Walk in the woods, view bears, and more.
- Eat Local.
- Drink Local.
- Support Local Artisans.
- Stay Informed.
May 9, 2020 at 4pm PDT – The Power of Disability Concert Presented by Al Etmanski
The Power of Disability Concert is a live-streamed celebration showcasing the power of disability through music, storytelling, and humour. It will entertain and bring joy and laughter into your lives, create a sense of community and to remind ourselves we’re in this together.
Performers include Amy Amantea (Actor), Christa Couture (Musician, Writer, Broadcaster), Maxim Fomitchev (Mime, Clown & Physical Comedian), Sarah Jickling (Singer/Songwriter), Greg ’77 Spokes’ Labine (Singer/Songwriter), Niall McNeil and Marcus Youssef (Theatre Artists), David Roche (Humorist) and Kristina Shelden (Singer/Songwriter).
Plus many more surprise guests.
Our host is actor and playwright James Sanders.
Ticket proceeds go to Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network. PLAN has been building networks of support for more than thirty years. And have ramped up their work during this virus.
No cash? No credit card? No problem. Call Claire at 778-819-1726 or email
*If you need information regarding ASL interpretation or CC, please reach out to us as we will have these services available! We will have a fully described version to release after the event, too!
Let us know if you have any questions.
Both BC Transit and TransLink announced they will resume charging fares on their transportation services June 1, following the installation of barriers designed to increase driver safety during the COVID-19 health crisis.
Due to low ridership, SeaBus, SkyTrain and WCE Service has been reduced and some bus routes have been suspended.
Given the extent of transit service suspensions across our network, we ask customers to only travel on transit if necessary, so space remains available for our essential service workers. We understand these suspensions will have an impact on customers, but they are a necessary measure to maintain service on critical corridors. Temporary bus route suspensions have been prioritized to minimize disruptions on the transit system. For more information on the current service reductions and suspension, please visit:
For Employees on our Group Benefits Plan
SunLife is offering a new service within our group benefits plan – online doctor visits – and is making this free for the month of May 2020.
Through Lumino Health Virtual Care, plan members can access a virtual “walk-in” service and connect with medical professionals, including nurses, doctors and others. The service is available via mobile and tablet apps and a website. By connecting with health-care providers virtually, plan members can get the care they need while supporting physical distancing efforts and reducing the strain on our health care system.
About 70% of walk-in clinic cases are suitable for Lumino Health Virtual Care. The service is available 24/7, as long as you are within Canada. You can consult other health professionals (e.g. nutritionists) for an additional fee.
To take advantage of this service, have your SunLife group contract and member ID numbers ready, to register before you login.
Let’s all do our part to practice physical distancing and live healthier lives.
You can learn more about Lumino Health Virtual Care by visiting .
There is a frequently asked questions page here:
We will have to decide before the end of May if this is a service we want to include in our group benefits for an additional cost beginning in June 2020. Let me know if this is a helpful additional benefit for us to include in the group benefits plan.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Thank You Support Workers – A message from CLBC staff
Here is a video thank you message from CLBC staff to the frontline workers providing support to people with diverse abilities across the Province:
SPARC BC Project to Provide Phones that Remove Barriers to Accessing Phone Based and Online Supports
SPARC BC has purchased 3,500 mobile phones to remove barriers to e-health services and other online or phone based supports across the province. SPARC BC plans to send bundles of phones to organizations, or Nations to distribute, but can also send them directly to individuals in need.
The package includes a phone and a sim card, which has $10 of pre-paid minutes. The phones work well on wifi so can be used sustainably at low/no cost. The package will also include a wallet card about how to access FNHA’s virtual doctor of the day program, where the phones are provided to individuals who self identify as Indigenous, or where bundles are sent to Indigenous organizations or Nations for distribution. What is included in the package is below.
Individuals or organizations who are interested in receiving the phone package can contact Kristine Chew at SPARC BC by email at
More ideas for activities at home
Arlene has continued her research on activities that people can do at home or in their neighbourhoods. These ideas and the others you have shared are on our website at:
Thirty Fun Things to Do at Home:
The World’s 15 Best Virtual Tours To Take During Coronavirus
Intro hip hop class (tagged “for ages 7 to 12 or first time adults” so sounds about my speed):
Barb and Veronica had a great time playing Bingo yesterday! Here are some smiling faces to set you up for the weekend.
Have a nice weekend!
(Wash your hands, Keep your Distance, Stay Home if you are Sick)