COVID-19 Updates – April 19, 2021 – Staying Close to Home
Provincial Update on Covid 19 Measures
In today’s press conference, the Premier, the Minister of Health and the Provincial Health Officer all spoke about the need to reduce contacts over the next five weeks, until after the May long weekend, ending May 24, 2021. As more people get vaccinated, the number of infections and the number of people who end up in hospital will decline. But right now, we are seeing 1,000 people per day getting infected, and when there are that many people getting sick, it is much easier for the disease to spread in the community. There will be more information by the end of the week on new restrictions on travel, and the current restrictions on indoor dining are continued for the next five weeks, to May 24th, 2021.
Health Minister Adrian Dix reminded us of the priorities that these measures are meant to advance for the Province:
Link to: Five Goals to reduce transmission, support our healthcare
system and get BC ready for life after COVID: 5 Goals
- Reduce transmission to protect vulnerable populations.
- Protect our healthcare system from being overwhelmed, putting both covid and non-covid patients at risk.
- Meeting the ongoing physical and mental health needs of everybody in BC.
The restrictions added on March 29th, the circuit breaker, have made an impact on the number of infections.
“As a result of the current levels of transmission in B.C., the provincial health officer orders that were set to expire today will be extended for a further five weeks, through to May 24, 2021, at midnight.
“This includes the current restrictions on restaurants, pubs, bars and indoor group fitness activities. The Expedited Workplace Closure order also remains in place.
“New orders will be in put in place later this week under the Emergency Program Act, to restrict vacation and recreation travel outside of your health authority.
“Our hospitals are stretched, our health-care workers exhausted. They are taking care of our friends and loved-ones and we need to take care of them through our actions, so they can continue to do their jobs for us.
“Let’s do our part, to use our layers, to stay local and err on the side of caution, so we can put COVID-19 behind us.”
People born 1981 and earlier (40+) can get the AstraZeneca vaccine at eligible pharmacies with vaccine supply in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, the Interior and Northern B.C. Find an eligible pharmacy near you.
Anyone ages 40 years old and older can call a pharmacy on the list and get an appointment for a vaccine at their local pharmacy. You can check this list sorted by community to confirm a pharmacy near you that has appointments available.
Age Based Vaccinations:
For the online registration system, it is a two step process. First you register, and then they contact you when you can book an appointment. They will be registering all age groups by the end of this week, but they are still booking appointments for 62 and 63 year olds.
I’m born in 1981 or earlier (40+) or I’m Indigenous and born in 2003 or earlier (18+)
– You can register now.
People who are clinically extremely vulnerable (including all people served by CLBC)
– You can register now. Please let us know if you need any assistance with getting your vaccination.
I’m born in 1986 or earlier (age 35+)
- You can start registering April 20 at 12 pm.
I’m born in 1991 or earlier (age 30+)
- You can start registering April 21 at 12 pm.
I’m born in 1996 or earlier (age 25+)
- You can start registering April 22 at 12 pm.
I’m born in 2003 or earlier (age 18+)
- You can start registering April 23 at 12 pm.
Do you have a plan to get your first shot? Please let us know if you don’t know where to get your vaccination and help increase the safety of everyone in the community.
HandyDART Modernization Program

Public Engagement
About the Program
- Bringing Compass to HandyDART for easier and more convenient payment options
- Potential Changes to Fares with discounts for eligible customers to better match the conventional transit system
- Potential New Registration Process with a personalized consultation to help meet the needs of customers
- Introducing Online Booking in addition to the existing phone booking system
Modernizing HandyDART will ensure the service is available for those who need it now and in the future. HandyDART is an essential part of the region’s transit network, but demand for the service is expected to grow. Making improvements now will help manage growth sustainably and improve service in the long term.
Further details are available through the following link:
RISE Community Groups and Workshops
For info or to register:
- Email
- Call Collingwood Neighbourhood House at 604-435-0323
- Or ask a RISE Staff member
Spots are limited. Registration required.
Please click these links below for further details:
RISE Spring 2021 Workshops Info
Canada Revenue Agency Information for Direct Deposit: DepotDirect_FactSheet_CCB_ENG_FRA_April12
In the same way that our physical spaces can fill up and become cluttered, so can our minds. Spring is synonymous with a fresh start so let’s take a look at some strategies to help mentally declutter ourselves: Perform a “brain dump”Writing out what’s on your mind is a good way to sweep out your inner thoughts and sort through the clutter. From there, you can group together ideas, make lists to act on, and refocus your mental effort. Get some distanceWhen our brains are full, it’s tough to think. Going for a walk is a simple way to put yourself in new surroundings where it can feel easier to find solutions to problems. Physical exertion allows the brain to work in different ways, which helps break up the thought patterns that lead to a cluttered mental state. Press pause on distractionsThe simple act of closing your eyes and concentrating on your breathing helps to regain mental focus. Another Talk it outSpeaking with a friend or family member about what’s on your mind is a great way to articulate your thoughts and share the load. In turn, listening to others allows you to contribute to solutions that can be applied to your own thoughts. Declutter your physical spaceClutter acts as stimuli, telling your mind that there is always something more to do. Physical decluttering of home and workspaces can help reduce these triggers to the brain and promote a sense of calm. If you’re looking for more tips on spring cleaning your life, read our previous edition here. Resources |
It is a great time to review the contents of emergency medical and earthquake kits in your home.
Are your water and food rations currently dated? Other items like glow sticks and batteries have expiry dates. It’s a good time to make sure everything is up to date.
Did you use some of the medical supplies during the year? Now is a great time to order replacement items. Please note that WCB First Aid Kits are required in all of the homes that are staffed.
Have there been changes in the number of people residing in your home? Do you need more or less supplies?
Have any of the people you live with changed their diets over the past year? Do you need to change the dietary foods in their earthquake kits?
If you need help with restocking your emergency medical and earthquake supplies please feel free to contact Judy Smith at for assistance.
It is a good time to review all safety procedures in the home; making sure that exit routes are clear of debris, including accessing risk factors (for example, moving items on shelves that could fall and moving heavy items to bottom shelves instead of top shelves). Are all staff are familiar with where emergency care items are stored? Please review the following information from our policy manual with the staff and individuals you support. Include staff to join on skype or zoom if you cannot meet in person so everyone is familiar with this process.
When you have completed your Earthquake Drill please record this information on Sharevision.
How to Register for First Aid:
We recommend obtaining and/or renewing your First Aid through St. John’s Ambulance with the Emergency First Aid Community Care course. If there is another course offered by a different provider, please contact Human Resources prior to enrolling to determine if it is equivalent and meets the basic requirements.
To obtain/renew through St John’s Ambulance, please call (604) 321-7242
- They above number is their main line, but they have a number of locations across the lower mainland if you would like to call a location directly:
- Register yourself for Emergency First Aid Community Care.
If an employee does not have a valid first aid certificate upon hire, the fee to obtain or renew certification is the responsibility of the employee. Future renewal fees for active employees are covered by Spectrum.
- If you are renewing your first aid, ask St. John Ambulance to invoice Spectrum Society
- Let them know Spectrum Society will be paying for your course fee.
*St. John Ambulance may request authorization from Spectrum. Email with the date/location you want to complete the course and we will call them to confirm your registration.
First Aid is a requirement for employment as indicated in ‘Policy 4: Requirements for Employment. Below is a link to Spectrum’s First Aid policy:
For employees renewing their first aid, please ensure St. John’s Ambulance (SJA) includes the CPR pocket mask with your first aid registration. If the CPR pocket mask is not included with your registration fee, SJA requires attendees pay for this on the day of course completion; you can save your receipt and submit it to Human Resources for reimbursement.
Please email your certificate of course completion to to have your file updated.
Please let Judy know if you have any questions or issues registering, by emailing