Open House – Book Launch – AGM – Canucks Jersey!
18 October, 2013
On October 26th, from 1 – 4, we celebrate Community Living Month with our annual Open House, Book Launch and, at 4:15 p.m., our A.G.M....
Spectrum’s 2013 Summer Picnic
28 September, 2013
Over 150 friends, family and guests gathered under the Gazebo at Trout Lake on July 17th, 2013 to enjoy hotdogs and veggie dogs, salads, treats...
Deepi Leihl Reports on HandyDart and Animal Rights
27 September, 2013
Introduction My name is Deepi Leihl. I was asked by Amy Tutkaluke to tell my story in the Spectrum Newsletter. Just a little bit about...
Best Wishes in your retirement, Carlos!
29 April, 2013
The Taunton Team held a retirement party at the office on Wednesday, April 23, for Carlos Costa, who has worked at Spectrum since September 1999....
Barb’s New Book – Surviving A Storm
24 April, 2013
You may have heard that Barb Westfield's latest project has been to write a book about her life story. She has been working with a...
WOW! CLBC and Spectrum Recognize Employer
06 December, 2012
We are pleased to be hosting an awards ceremony at our office tomorrow. Nevada nominated his employer, Chris Kamachi of Digital Toys, for a WOW!clbc...
Spectrum’s 2012 Annual Report Posted
01 November, 2012
Our 25th Anniversary Annual Report has been presented to our Annual General Meeting and is available on our website. There are lots of pictures, stories...
Pre-Order The ABC’s of Ability: an ABC book about the lives of adults with disabilities from Spectrum Press
09 September, 2012
The ABC’s of Ability: an ABC book about the lives of adults with disabilities created by SUSAN POWELL, photographs by Larry Wells in collaboration with...
Linda’s Vacation with her Sister
31 August, 2012
Here's a great video slideshow of Linda's recent vacation to Osoyoos with her sister Randi and supporters Li and Emily. Linda's Osoyoos Vacation Slide Show...
Shirlane Colban: How I met my friend Marion
02 December, 2011
I met my good friend Marion in the elevator. We both lived in the same apartment building and always saw each other in the elevator...
Shirlane Colban: my surprising birthday
02 December, 2011
“I am happy to say I just celebrated my 40 years young birthday. The celebration started the day before my birthday on March 14. When...
Vicky Bassett: My Life With Having To Have Staff
02 December, 2011
When I started living in group homes it was very confusing. My mom always wanted me to think for myself. She made me do things for...